
Books at book launch
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Maney

Here are books I have written or books where my writing appears

Luke Skywalker Can’t Read: And Other Geeky Truths (essay collection) by Ryan Britt (2015)

This is a collection of my essays from roughly 2010 to 2015. Published by Plume (Penguin Random House), it contains elements of memoir, personal essay, criticism, and what some might call “fan theories.” Karen Russell called it an “uncontrolled experiment” and Lev Grossman said it was “brilliant.” You can buy the book and make up your own mind. Below are retailers where you can snag it in the following forms: paperback, ebook, or audio. (Note: I didn’t do the audio recording for the book. Eric Michael Summerer did. He did a good job, but I don’t sound like him.)

Buy Luke Skywalker Can’t Read: Indiebound, Barnes and Noble, Amazon

Loose Lips

Loose Lips: Fanfiction Parodies of Great (and Terrible) Literature from the Smutty Stage of Shipwreck (fan fiction humor anthology) edited by Amy Stephenson and Casey A. Childers (2016)

I’ve been lucky enough to twice participate in the excellent literary event called Shipwreck. This event was created by Amy Stephenson and Casey A. Childers in connection with the great San Francisco bookstore, The Booksmith. The idea is that writers do raunchy faux-sexy parodies all centered on a famous book. To date, the Shipwreck people have asked me to write racy stories about the security system in Jurassic Park and Fedallah in Moby Dick. This book contains the latter. (As well as countless stories by other very funny writers.)

Buy Loose Lips (paperback): Indiebound, Barnes and Noble, Amazon

Harlan Ellison

The City on the Edge of Forever (audiobook) by Harlan Ellison, published by Skyboat Media (2017)

This is a full-cast reading of Harlan Ellison’s original teleplay for the famous Star Trek episode “City on the Edge of Forever.” I did not participate in the cast reading, but it is amazing and includes great contributions from LeVar Burton, Larry Nemecek, David Gerrold, the late-Dorothy Fontana, and of course, Ellison himself. This project was created and produced by Stefan Rudnicki and Gabrielle de Cuir. In 2016, they asked me to contribute an audio essay to the project, which was a humbling and wonderful experience I’ll never forget. You can hear me read that essay on this audiobook.

Buy The City on the Edge of Forever (audiobook, MP3, or CD): Skyboat Media (direct), Amazon Audible (if you must).


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